Get to know the HPG: Attend a workgroup meeting!
We invite members of the public to attend our workgroup meetings. Join us in discussions toward ending the HIV epidemic in New York and add your ideas to the NYC HPG’s strategic planning process.
Below, please find a list of our workgroups with contact information. If you would like to attend an upcoming meeting, please contact the workgroup’s point person.

High Impact Prevention and Engagement


High Impact Prevention and Engagement
Policy and External Relations


Policy and External Relations
Membership Community and Engagement


Membership Community and Engagement
Testing and Linkage to Care


Testing and Linkage to Care
Treatment Engagement and Retention


Treatment Engagement and Retention

HIPE is committed to supporting the prevention needs of populations disproportionately impacted by HIV in New York City, including Blacks/African Americans, Latino/as, immigrants, adolescents, men who have sex with men, women, those struggling with homelessness, transgender individuals, persons who use substances, and those living in poverty. Meet our members and learn more about our meetings.

PER addresses local and national policy measures that impact HIV prevention, testing, and care. Meet our members and learn more about our meetings.

MCE focuses on membership recruitment and ongoing community outreach and engagement. The workgroup also monitors participation at all levels of membership, revises HPG bylaws and the Policy and Procedure Manual, promotes the work of the body through our social media platforms, and ensures Parity, Inclusion, and Representation. MCE meetings are not opened to the public, but you can meet our members at the general meetings and follow us on our social media!

TLC focuses on identifying and sharing the most up­-to­-date, effective strategies surrounding HIV testing and comprehensive HIV care within NYC. Meet our members and learn more about our meetings.

TEAR examines current strategies used to engage and retain persons living with HIV/AIDS across the care continuum, identifies gaps in these approaches, and recommends effective practices for moving forward. Popular topics for this workgroup include prevention interventions for serodiscordant couples, treatment adherence models, housing and other social factors that impact HIV, and partner counseling and referral. Meet our members and learn more about our meetings.